torsdag den 12. juni 2008

More reviews...

Within the last couple of weeks (or four), more reviews have rolled in. Such as: A review in British online music magazine Beat Surrender, danish online music portals undertoner and . All in all widening the review spectrum, into a great array of neat different takes and tastes on the Virak debut. So far, so good. On the sound side, tracks like Souls have gotten some national norwegian airplay and Song of Everything was featured on Ed Pinters - The Sound Projector radio podcast ( ). Thats it for now. See you soon (in here/out there).

Ps: Links to full reviews on your top right side.

mandag den 28. april 2008

Danish reviews

The album has been reviewed fairly good (****) so far in the biggest medias in Denmark though this is naturally no surprise to us. Even so we are pretty happy about it. Look to your right and find the links that take you directly to them. They are in Danish of course. 

lørdag den 22. marts 2008

Threads release party

A minor announcement, in danish?. Basically all it states is that, Friday the 4th of april is the day and date of our releaseparty. It will be held at Zusammen Café/Lounge, Hc Ørstedsvej 4. It starts at 20.00 hours. Accordingly we will be dishing out some entertainment, some free beers, some nice free food and the possibility of purchasing the album, and snagging some posters along with it. Hope to see you there.

fredag den 14. marts 2008

Pre-order Threads now!

Now it's all ready to be yours forever. So go, pre-order your own copy of our debut album Threads right now at
